
Why is a Website Important for your Business



hello everyone welcome to wake up digitally a digitally marketing agency. today we’re going to be looking at websites  marketing uses over 30 different systems to increase the value of your business by integrating them into sales marketing customer retention customer service and communication just a couple examples we look at reviews texting emailing local SEO digital marketing and website building and optimization the first big question is do you need a tool the short answer is yes why because your site is your storefront.

website, digital marketing agency

Why You Need A website

in the digital world a website can be optimised to help you rank in google if your competitors have a site you don’t i mean that’s not going to look good on you the other thing is is that with this lack of face to face communication or having a store people come in you can build a rep relationship with them you have to use your site to accomplish that people stay home and they just go to your site what should go on a website well you need to have a business description having people get a feel for who you are you have to have contact information.

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 websites that have email address only hidden someplace no phone numbers people leave after they can’t find how to get in touch with somebody pretty quickly i know big companies do that but if you’re trying to build a value in your business you don’t want to do the articles articles let people read what you talk that you know that you what you’re talking about the articles are there to give information not to do a sales pitch.

A website will make your business prеsеncе еasy

they’re to help people make a informed decision and the same thing with blogs you want to give shorter versions answers and also falls into that category of website give the type of question that google would ask or somebody going into google would ask and then give the answer google is getting very literate and what they do is they actually read the articles they read the headlines of the articles and they decide whether your website you on page one because you answer a person’s question that’s why it’s it’s good to do if you

I have a lot of reviews and I like to channel the reviews over to the website so people can look at the reviews while you’re on your site. The biggest thing to think about is why are 

customers searching the internet? If you come up with what answers they are looking for you can. 

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give them a short answer that yes we have this product and this is what it do does but you want to look at explaining to them again why they want to choose you you’re going to help them get the right part why they want that

peace or a service  let’s move on to website functionality keep in mind that over half of the visits to your site are from the phone your site should look on on a phone there’s a lot of sites out there you pull them up on the phone and you just can’t really make anything out of it it’s not easy your phone number should be clickable you should be able to click on the phone number and text a question your email address should be emailable the website should load under two seconds and this is really important.

website, digital marketing agency

Why Your Website Need Best SEO

it’s important to google to get you on the first page but i’ve seen websites 10 15 seconds unless that person really wants to go to that particular website they’re not gonna wait they’re gonna just go to the next one there’s so much competition out there that people don’t have to wait and they’re not going to people are moving 100 miles an hour the address should be able to easily get into surrey or the mapping program so that that you can get directions think about you’re out on your cell phone.

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you pull up somebody’s website and you want to get directions it should be easy for them to do that and your site should be easy to move around in five things it should have a clarity to it it should be intuitive to where they need to go to to get these answers you know don’t get into this 10 layer complicated website that only you can find the answer to let’s take another quick look at the buying cycle we did this in another video but you look for a product or service you see what google comes up.

Good Reviews

and after picking the ones that had good reviews you go to the website to learn more information about that product does your site have more information does it help them choose you by giving them the proper information to help them by there’s always been a a thought about a salesman you want to help them buy something you don’t want to be a used car salesman and try to talk them into a sale it’s it’s not going to work it’s not going to be good so with all that in mind. if a customer came to your website what questions would

they have think about all the reasons why a customer would pull up your website can they find that answer easily is it help them with their buying decision help them choose you if you take a list of all the questions that people ask you’re going to have another evaluation of your site does this really answer that question again do you have articles or information on your site so helpful they would bookmark your website and come back as a reference because they want to read more articles the more you get them to come back you.

website, digital marketing agency

 Your Website build up your trust 

factor even for new customers it’s kind of a included thought on landing pages] landing pages have one function if you run an ad and google my business google ads you run facebook ads and you want them to buy something you send them to a landing page that only has one thought or explanation on it because you don’t want them coming first to your website to get overwhelmed with all this information you want to have clarity to that answer plus if you have you know 20 30 what landing page

 you know it also helps in the search engines all the things that we had talked about for a website also apply have your phone number have a way to contact you make it easy for the people you know they don’t their attention span isn’t long enough to have patience to go all over and find things especially on your phone when they’re using one finger to punch things and remember that the landing page is just one point or goal oriented and you’re pulling them away from your website so that they don’t get

website, digital marketing agency

Makes Your Website Morden

 overwhelmed or sidetracked or looking at 10 other things this is our evaluation system for  marketing is our pieces does it benefit sales yes if people get a good impression your website looks modern it looks inviting easy to navigate looks like you know what you’re doing it’s going to definitely benefit sales marketing it’s the same kind of thing where they come to your site and see it and you also get from your site google rankings does it benefit customer service if they can look at your website.

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 Your website gain customer attention

articles and maybe get their question answered you’re going to get less calls in the office so in some ways it does does it benefit customer attention if they go to your website and look at it and they say hey i didn’t know you had this service or was looking for this um service i didn’t know that you had it and you have a good explanation about it it gives your customer another reason to talk to you and something else that you can sell them and does it benefit communication if the words are clear then yes

again i like this quote from charles darwin it’s not the strongest sort of species that survive nor the most intelligent but the ones most responsive to change people are using websites you need to have a site so it’s it’s important to change and to look have a modern website that people are gonna like so if you’re ready for a change you just want to talk there’s a no-cost appointment uh just give me a call contact information is on the last page 

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Our Pride

Wake up digitally has 9 years of experience helping small businesses use technology and this is what i’m most proud of i enjoy working with companies i enjoy watching them succeed you know they used to say your success is my success but in my case it’s really true and i think this comes out in that my average customer retention is 8 years i have more 9-year customers than i do less than five my customers i take care of them and i

put make them a priority instead of getting more sales not that getting more sales aren’t important but my customers are my priority i want to see them successful so thank you for your time today and hopefully we’ll talk soon

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